55. the birth of the art marks - Sick Sacraments
55. the birth of the art marks
Having passed away unnoticed, the Art Martyr has been reincarnated
in new age splendor as the
Art Marks.
Born again from tired males burning for post modernism,
the Art Marks sprung from the womb of the Art Angles.
It was immaculate, the Art Angles stated.
I made a journey inside myself
and I guess I got pregnant.
The Art Marks leaped from my womb like sea foam on Lake Titicaca.
The next thing I know, a full-grown man is parading around my house
I’m back to my former weight.
We decided that our protective nest was not going to be like a small-
scale motel with an unpaid,
unhonored, overworked and increasingly rebellious female manager.
We didn’t want transient guests who just eat or watch TV together
and have, as the years go by, little in common with each other.
We knew we weren’t going to spend a lot of money collecting junk
so we didn’t worry about storage space.
Instead we decided to start a commune.
At the commune, we work on social programs for the middle class and
poor, and
provide better job opportunities for minorities and protect the
rights of homosexuals.
We also promised to eliminate the drinking age, provide better mass
and install bidets in every public bathroom.
Beer and Bidets for all,
we proclaim.
Send signed blank checks to:
Temple of the Holy Flow
N Street Commune
95814 Sacramento
What comes out,
must go in.
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